Fly Ash Domes and Silos
Posted by Dennis Blauser, May 24, 2023
What is Fly Ash?
Coal power plants and other industries that burn pulverized coal must manage the resulting byproduct fly ash. When released directly into the air, fly ash negatively impacts air quality. In 2015, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published requirements for the safe disposal of coal combustion residuals like fly ash.1 Today, fly ash is stored in concrete storage silos and domes and has numerous commercial and industrial applications. In paints, adhesives, and composites, fly ash is used as a filler. In the cement industry, fly ash can be added to mixes to improve concrete durability, make mixes easier to work, and improve permeability.
Marietta Silos leads the industry in fly ash silo construction and has constructed more fly ash silos than any other company combined. We have earned an unparalleled reputation for excellence through extensive experience with concrete fly ash silos with numerous leading power utilities and contractors throughout the United States. Marietta Silos is also highly experienced in silo building and design for bottom ash and palletized fly ash storage silos.
Storage Domes
When it comes to storage dome cleaning and maintenance, it's important to consider how the unique shape impacts material flow and buildup. Regardless of whether domes store cement or fly ash, hardened material will still accumulate along the interior surface. To remove this material buildup from storage domes, specialized equipment used by silo and dome cleaning professionals is essential. Furthermore, the large, domed ceiling can make cleaning of material buildup more challenging.
Once fully empty and cleaned, storage domes can be inspected by a trained professional who can recommend necessary maintenance and repairs. It's also a good time to replace or repair existing fluidizing equipment, like air pads, to help ensure continued material flow.
Ready for your next dome cleaning? Contact USA Silo Services to Request a Quote.
1 US EPA, O. (2014, December 11). Disposal of coal combustion residuals from electric utilities rulemakings [Other Policies and Guidance]. https://www.epa.gov/coalash/coal-ash-rule.
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