Cost-Effective Strategies to Keep Silos Safe
Posted by Dennis Blauser, November 29, 2023
A great way to preserve silos, silo roofs, and steel bins is by adding a protective coating to the exterior of the structures. In addition to being preventive, this coating can be used as a repair method to fix minor issues.
The most effective type of coating is a monolithic barrier that forms a direct bond to surfaces, like the rubberized coating offered by our sister company USA Silo Services. In addition to providing a direct bond, the USA Silo Services rubberized coating has a high elasticity coefficient that moves with silo vibration caused during loading and unloading. In addition, our silo roof-top coating has the flexibility to maintain its integrity through the changing seasons and protects against oxidation, humidity, and corrosive environments.
Our roof-top silo coating method is a proven industrial roof coating system that keeps elements out and stored materials dry. It reduces costly reapplications of surface protectants and can be applied to many surfaces.
Learn more about the benefits of the USA Silo Services rubberized industrial coating in their latest blog.
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