Tips to Spend Less on Silo Inspections & Repairs
Posted by Dennis Blauser, July 23, 2024
Looking to lower your overhead costs? While it's unwise and unsafe to skip silo maintenance, inspections, and repairs, you can implement strategies that help you save.

Combined Silo Services from Marietta Silos

One of the best ways to reduce silo maintenance costs is to take advantage of combined services. Finishing small silo repairs at the same time as your silo inspection reduces additional unplanned downtime and additional trips necessary to get your silo back up and running.
Our Mobile Inspection Trailer allows us to transport necessary tools, support equipment, and other items required for our field teams to conduct silo inspections with safety and efficiency. Our standard on-site equipment package includes all materials and equipment required to maximize personnel safety per the OSHA Confined Space Standard 29 CFR 1910.146.
When you request a combined service from Marietta Silos, we can also transport equipment and materials to complete small and silo restoration and repairs on-site during the inspection. This allows us to complete silo inspections and repair quickly, safely, and efficiently in one mobilization. Finishing small silo repairs at the same time as your silo inspection reduces additional unplanned downtime and additional trips necessary to get your silo back up and running.

How can I reduce silo repair or silo restoration costs?

Although conducting a silo inspection is a positive step, its effectiveness depends on whether you actually follow through with suggested repairs, restoration, or other maintenance for the silo. Minor silo repairs are always less expensive, so the sooner you complete a silo repair, the better.
Contact us to schedule your next silo repair, restoration, or inspection.
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