Corroded Bolted Steel Silos, Tanks or Vessels
Market: Power Generation
Material Stored: Fly Ash
Issue: Leaking, bolted steel silos.

Corroded bolted steel silos, tanks or vessels should be repaired to avoid leaking or other failure. For this repair, the silos suffered from extreme corrosion and risked leaks due to a compromised gasket. Overtime, gaskets placed between the bolted flanges dries out and becomes brittle. This leads to a weak spot in the seam that can leak. The seam’s integrity can also be compromised by thermal differential, pressurization by pneumatic loading or negative pressure from dust collection systems.

To repair the issue, a special surface cleaning procedure was utilized and all seams, both vertical and horizontal were caulked to prevent water intrusion into the silo and material leakage into the environment.

Once the caulking has dried, a proprietary sprayed-on rubber coating material was used. This coating bonds directly to the steel silo over the joints. It was finished with a durable top coat to fully encase the deteriorated silo.
The top coating can be provided in a variety of different colors.