Cracking and Broken Stave Silo Repair - Pennsylvania
Market: Manufacturing
Material Stored: Aggregates
Silo Size: 28' diameter by 66' tall
Issue: Cracking and broken staves

Pictured above is a concrete stave silo with galvanized steel hoops around the silo for structural support. The hoops were not in good condition and were subsequently replaced.
This silo is constructed with a suspended cone that is welded to a steel ring girder that protrudes through the wall. Below is a closer look at the inside of the suspended cone. It shows evidence of obvious water leakage around the steel ring girder and the suspended cone. Anchoring cones into silos this way is not an accepted method. New silos are constructed with vertically supported cones instead of horizontally suspended. This silo cone could have been repaired by pouring pilasters from the foundation up to the cone and attaching it, creating a suspended cone. However, the customer deemed it non-economical and took this silo out of service.

It is imperative to have silos inspected regularly by an experienced, professional silo company. Preventive maintenance and inspections should be incorporated for all material handling equipment to ensure its safe and efficient operation for all industry.