Grout Finish on Two Clarifying Units - KY
Market: Power
Material Stored: Bottom Ash in Water
Silo Size: 72'
Issue: Needed smooth, top layer of grout on the bottom of two clarifier units.

Bottom ash is a by-product of a coal-burning power generation facility. After the coal has been consumed, bottom ash remains and must be removed from the bottom of the boilers which typically consists of various metals, slate, and rock.
As you can see in the above image, the clarifying tank bottom is sloped to assist in the flow of the bottom ash solution. The tank bottom is made to specification, but with a 2” below grade so the grout can be added. The grout allows for a smoother finish for increased flow of the bottom ash.

The large agitator arms coming off the center pole are part of the clarifier unit. Agitator arms are used to trowel the grout to the correct height and the correct slope of the clarifier. Once in use, the agitator moves around the bottom of the clarifier, keeping the bottom ash moving and preventing collection of solids on the bottom.